New Social Media Graphic Design Services
Are you tired of having your posts blend with everyone else? Starting at only $4.99, Jennifer will design custom, never-before-shared social media graphics for your business, organization, special event, personal hobbies, or any other concept you want to share on your social media accounts. You choose the size, colors, and text. Jennifer will do the rest! What are you waiting for? It's time to get social!
Basic Design: Starting at $199
Includes: Consultation, Initial Set-up, 5 Pages, 5 Photographs/Images, and Graphic Design/Artwork. With this website package, your website can be maintained by Jennifer's Web Design for low monthly rates beginning at $29.99 per month.
Professional Design: Starting at $499
Includes: Consultation, Intital Set-up, 8 Pages, 10 Photographs/Images, and Custom Graphic Design/Artwork. Rates vary, depending on what additional features are included, such as forms, slide shows, online shopping cart, and more. With this website package, your website can be maintained by Jennifer's Web Design for low monthly rates beginning at $29.99 per month.
Web Hosting
32 GB Disk Space - $8.95 per month or less (plus nominal annual domain registration fee)
All web hosting fees are paid directly to Esosoft. For more information regarding web hosting or to check for domain name availability visit: www.esosoft.com/webhosting
Maintenance/Website Updates
Jennifer's Web Design will maintain and update your website for low monthly fees starting at $29.99 per month. Rates vary based on how many updates per month you desire. Set monthly rate will be agreed upon when initial set-up occurs. You may also choose to maintain and update your own website for no additional charge.
Additional Services
Additional Pages - $24.99 per page
Photos - $1.99 per electronic photo/$4.99 per scanned photo
Embedded Videos - $4.99 per video embedded from Facebook, YouTube, etc./5 embedded videos for $20
Videos - $9.99 per video uploaded to server and embedded on
Custom Logo - Starting at
$19.99 per logo. Logos can be purchased without website
design services.
Special Photo Effects - Starting at $4.99 per photo
Server - $10 Set-Up and $5/month paid directly to Esosoft.
Rates could change, so please visit
www.esosoft.com for
up-to-date pricing.
Password Protected Page Set-Up - $50 paid to Jennifer’s
Website Design
Contact Jennifer's Web Design