Jennifer's Blog

Unexpected Delays

On one of our flights out of New York City, we experienced a cancellation and numerous delays. We came very close to spending the night in the airport. We waited and waited, hoping to get a seat on a different flight as one of many on a standby list. Several flights left the airport without us. There was only one option remaining that would get us home in the wee hours of the night, as opposed to waiting until the next day.

When I spoke to the airline representative who said we would have a seat on the flight, I felt as if God had answered our prayers. Although my dad and I would not have seats together, we had found a way home! What a joy to walk down the jet bridge, able to exit an overcrowded airport that was unusually warm on a sweltering summer day in July. As we made ourselves comfortable in our newly assigned seats, a woman sat down beside me. We made small talk, comparing notes as to how many delays we had experienced and what our final destinations were.

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